Tom ha dicho en una entrevista para NME, que este fin de semana en el Reading & Leeds harán algo especial. Van a tocar algunas canciones de Dogs Eating Dogs que no han tocado en Europa, algunos clásicos y una sorpresa que no han tocado en mucho, mucho tiempo. Lo que no harán será tocar canciones nuevas, no quieren que la gente lo grabe con el móvil y después la escuchemos los demas por primera vez en YouTube en malas condiciones, quieren que escuchemos la mejor versión.
"We're going to play some songs off our last EP, songs that we haven't played in Europe," he says. "That came out at the end of 2012, so we'll do that, and then we'll play a lot of the classics, but we'll have something special that we haven't played for a long, long time that we've brought back and people are going to love that.We don't play stuff that's not released. We'd rather a nice version of the song be the first that's out, a good-sounding version. And we can't premiere a new song now because it'll be filmed on cameraphones and then all over YouTube and suddenly that's the version that everyone knows. We want them to hear the version that we spent time on."